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Valentine S Day Treats Sweets

Gingerbread Cookies

Ingredients & Directions

1 c Diet margarine or light 1 1/2 ts Baking soda
Butter * 1/2 ts Salt
1 c Granulated fructose 3 ts Ginger
2 Egg whites 1 1/2 ts Cinnamon
3/4 c Molasses 1 1/2 ts Cloves
1 tb Vinegar Raisins or dried fruit
4 3/4 c Whole-wheat pastry flour (optional)

* Tip: Make sure you use diet margarine that has about 50 calories per
tablespoon; the ultra-diet margarines (with 25 calories per
tablespoon) result in a soggy texture.

In a large bowl, thoroughly cream margarine with fructose. Stir in egg
whites, molasses and vinegar. In a separate bowl, mix together flour,
baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Stir dry ingredeints
into margarine and fructose mixture. Chill dough for 3 hours or
overnight. This batter can be kept in the refrigerator for several
days. Preheat oven to 375. Divide dough into four balls for easier
management. Place each dough ball between two sheets of lightly
floured wax paper and roll out. Cut out gingerbread people using
floured cookie cutters. If desired, decorate with raisins or dreid
fruit. Bake cookies on an ungreased cookie sheet for about 8 minutes
or longer. Press dough lightly with one finger to test for doneness:
If dough springs back, it’s ready. Cool on a rack. Decorate with
colorful icing, if desired.

Makes 4 dozen.

Per serving: 83 calories, 2g fat, (22% of calories), 1.5g dietary
fiber, 1.8g protein, 15g carbohyfrates, no cholesterol, 99mg sodium.

48 servings

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